Thursday, June 13, 2019

Bloom's Taxonomy of education and it's use in Nursing Education Research Paper

vertexs Taxonomy of education and its use in Nursing Education - seek Paper ExampleAs Su and Osisek (2011) states, Educators can facilitate intimacy transfer by developing instructional designs that incorporate subject content and cognitive processes related to the use of the subject content (p. 321). To meet this educational need, Blooms Taxonomy provides a complete and effective framework to nursing exacters. Let us demonstrate how Blooms Taxonomy of education can be used to manage patients with chronic diseases.The domains outlined by Blooms Taxonomy of education include cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain. Although initially these domains used to deal only with academic education, but with the passage of time revisions in Blooms taxonomy have do them relevant for all types of learning. At present, these domains are proving very helpful for nurses in managing patients with chronic diseases. Let us discuss the three types of domains outlined by Blooms T axonomy in relation with nursing education.The cognitive domain deals with development of intellectual skills of learners. This domain works toward improving knowledge of learners by making them masterly in recognizing facts, applying knowledge to practice, and using knowledge to recall data. For nursing professionals, this domain is very important because it makes them diagnose different chronic diseases and apply proper knowledge to deal with those diseases. The main learning functions associated with cognitive domain include recalling, understanding, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. Nursing professionals can use the acquired knowledge in nursing practices. Using this domain, nurses can learn about different treatments for chronic diseases, apply nursing knowledge into practice, develop new treatments, and assess effectives of new and existing treatments.The affective domains makes learners learn the ways to apprehend and do something using emotional frame of m ind. The key actions

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